Year 2 Project, Semester 1 – Fall 2022


The project for next semester will be an informal debate. In preparation for this, the project for this semester will be opposing sides persuasive speeches. The student must speak for at least 5-10 minutes on a subject of their choosing, on a pre-designated topic, either for or against (all subjects must be pre-approved by myself).

This class will be well-suited to speak spontaneously and not from previously arranged cue cards, however it will not be a requirement to be without cue cards, and I will allow it if they so choose.

The skills that this exercise will focus on will be as follows:

  • Appropriate use of indirect language.
  • Appropriate use of formal speech.
  • Proper articulation and pronunciation of words.
  • Produce statements in less familiar contexts with some detail.
  • Answer questions – using complete sentences when appropriate.
  • Provide simple and more complicated descriptions (e.g., describe a person, place or event).
  • Express opinions and provide factual information in an informative context.

>> Rubric example for speaking can be found here. <<

>> Handout Worksheet Debate Template <<
>> Handout Worksheet Debate Language <<

>> Handout Worksheet Giving A Presentation: Important Phrases <<


Additional resources can be found here:


  • ISL Collective – Debate Template (the original resource for the version I modified slightly)
    ISL Collective – Debate Language (my original resource for the version I modified, to remove the Korean words)

Helpful Videos:

Playlist of Public Speaking Skills, by Expert Academy

Attribution: Image by marymarkevich on Freepik

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