Straightforward B2 Upper Intermediate Vocabulary, Lesson 2B

First date taught: 13 April 2023

2B – Animal Rights

Theme: Discussing animal rights and having differing opinions than others. Briefly discussing protests as well.

species (n) [B2] – a group of plants or animals that share similar characteristics

suburban (adj) / suburb (n) [B2] – an area where people live outside the centre of a city

domesticated (adj) – A domesticated animal is kept as a pet or lives on a farm

predator (n) – an animal that kills and eats other animals

apex predator (n) – also known as a top predator, is a predator at the top of a food chain, without natural predators of its own

racoon (n) – a small North American animal with black marks on its face and a long tail with black rings on it

instincts (n) [C2] – the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it

hostility (n) [C2] – an occasion when someone is unfriendly or shows that they do not like something
Example: They showed open (= obvious) hostility to/towards their new neighbours.

perception (n) [C2] – a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem
Example: We have to change the public’s perception that money is being wasted.

lend (v) – [A2] to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back; [C2] If something lends a particular quality to something else, it adds that quality to it

indulge (v) [C2] – to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you

“like a fox guarding a henhouse” (idiom) someone has been put in charge of something that is too tempting for them to ignore, as if they were a fox (who eats chickens) given the job of protecting the chickens

“like a fox in a henhouse” (idiom) – someone who will or intends to exploit or manipulate something, some place, or someone for their own personal gain

naughty (adj) [B2] – (esp. of children) behaving badly and not being obedient, or (esp. of behavior or language) not socially acceptable

bad guy – a generic term for a man in a film, book etc who is evil or dangerous

fairy tales (n) – a traditional story, usually written for children, which often involves imaginary creatures and possibly magic

deviates (v) – to do something that is different from the usual or common way of behaving

association (n) [C1] – the fact of being involved with or connected to someone or something; a feeling or thought that relates to someone or something

silver fox (n) – an attractive older man, especially one with grey hair

seductive (seduce) (adj) – making you want to do, have, or believe something, because of seeming attractive

trickery (n) – the activity of using tricks to deceive or cheat people

snare trap (n) –  a device for catching small animals and birds, usually with a rope or wire that tightens around the animal

fables (n) – a short story that tells a moral truth, often using animals as characters

morals (adj) – relating to the standards of good or bad behaviour, fairness, honesty, etc. that each person believes in, rather than to laws

“the moral of this story…” 

“Once upon a time…” 

protagonist (n) – the person who changes in the story (good guy, sometimes) 

antagonist (n) – the person who moves the story along (bad guy, sometimes) 

pest (n) – a small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies
Synonym: vermin

pest control (n) – the process of controlling, managing, minimizing or removing undesirable insects and other pests, from spaces occupied by people
Synonym: exterminator

agriculture (n) [B2] – the practice or work of farming

crops (n) – a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food

humanizing (v) – to make something that is not human seem like a person, or to treat something that is not human as if it is a person

acrid (adj) – An acrid smell or taste is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in the throat
pungent (adj) – (of a smell or taste) very strong, sometimes in an unpleasant way; smelling or tasting very strong and sharp

merits (n) [C1] -the quality of being good and deserving praise
Example: Her ideas have merit.

poaching (n) –  the catching and killing of animals without permission on someone else’s land

population control / management (hunting a certain amount of animals) 

rural (adj) – in, of, or like the countryside

hunt vs kill 
hunt (v) [B1] – to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit
kill (v) [A2] – to cause someone or something to die

activist (n) – a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protests to try to make this happen

activism (n) – the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one

ADvocate (n) – someone who speaks for, supports, or represents a person or group of people who may need extra help or protection; someone who publicly supports or recommends an idea, a policy, etc.

From the Wikimedia Commons.

advocATE (v) [C2] – to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something

From the Wikimedia Commons.

To play the Devil’s Advocate – a person who advocates an opposing or unpopular cause for the sake of argument or to expose it to a thorough examination 

flora and fauna (n) – The flora and fauna of a place are its plants and animals.

food scarcity / food insecurity (n) – the fact that a place may not be able to produce or obtain enough food to feed its population

food source (n) – the different sources that provide food for the survival of humans and animals

urban areas (n) – can refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. An urban area includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding areas.

lure them away (v) [C2] – to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting or something they want / need
lure into a cage (v) [C2] – a cage is a container made of wire or bars where animals are kept, and if an animal is lured into a cage it means they were tricked into entering the cage so that they might be trapped there

tranquilize (v) – to make an animal or person become unconscious or calm, especially with a drug
tranquilizing guns / use tranquilizer darts – a special gun or ammunition for that gun, which dispenses tranquilizer medication into an animal via a projectile syringe

alluring – attractive or exciting (root word is “lure“)

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Attribution: Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

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