Straightforward B2 Upper Intermediate Vocabulary, Lesson 9B

Discussing the real life ramifications of superheroes and the inventions of superheroes.

First date taught: 25 April 2023

9B – Local Hero

Theme: The attraction of superheroes.

canon (n) : all the writings or other works known to be by a particular person; a book, TV show, film, etc. that its fans (= people who like it very much) use to base their own stories, activities, etc. on

world-building (n) – the act of creating an imaginary world in a book, film, computer game, etc., so that it appears to be real

fan-fiction / fanfic – stories written about TV, film, or book characters by their fans (= people who admire them), or an example of such a story

mashup (n) – a type of medium (typically recorded music or video) that consists of parts of different songs or images or other medium that have been combined
Example: He specializes in making comic adaptations of literature classics, producing a mashup of high and low cultures.

Marvel Universe

DC Universe

collaborations / collab (n) – a situation in which two or more people work together to create, achieve, or promote (= encourage people to buy or use) something
Example: By doing a YouTube collab, two relatively isolated audiences are introduced to the other’s content.

will-they-won’t-they ( – Of or pertaining to a potential coupling between two people who share romantic chemistry, but whose relationship is threatened by uncertainty, external obstacles or internal strife.

love interest (n) – a character whose main role in a story or film is that of a lover of the central character

romantic tension – the tension and chemistry created when two love interests interact and grow closer in your story

reboot (v) – to start something again or do something again, in a way that is new and interesting
Example: With his new movie he reboots the classic Western.

film adaptation – the transfer of a work or story, in whole or in part, to a feature film. Although often considered a type of derivative work, film adaptation has been conceptualized recently by academic scholars such as Robert Stam as a dialogic process

manga (n) – Japanese comic books that tell stories in pictures

comic book (n) – a magazine or book that contains a set of stories told in pictures with a small amount of writing

graphic novels (n) – a book containing a long story told mostly in pictures but with some writing

modernize (v) – to make something more modern

brutality (n) – behaviour that is very cruel or violent and showing no feelings for others, or an act of this type

vigilantism (n) – the practice of ordinary people in a place taking unofficial action to prevent crime or to catch and punish people believed to be criminals

vigilante justice (n) – the actions of a single person or group of people who claim to enforce the law but lack the legal authority to do so

they think they are above the law

the ends justify the means (idiom) – said about a situation in which the final aim is so important that any way of achieving it is acceptable

copaganda (n) – a form of propaganda used to describe depictions of police in a positive (or excessively positive) light while obscuring negative qualities, most often through mass media, with the intent of swaying public opinion for the benefit of law enforcement
Examples: Dragnet, Law & Order

comic-con (n) – A comic book convention (one day event) or comic-con is a fan convention with a primary focus on comic books and comic book culture, in which comic book fans gather to meet creators, experts, and each other. Commonly, comic conventions are multi-day events hosted at convention centers, hotels, or college campuses.

cosplay (n) – the hobby of dressing as and pretending to be a character from a film, TV programme, comic book, etc.
Example: This Star Trek tunic is perfect for cosplay or conventions.

frontline workers – employees within essential industries who must physically show up to their jobs; employees who provide an essential service or key public service.

medical workers during the pandemic

public servants (n) – a government employee

superhuman abilities (adj) – exceeding normal human power, size, or capability

“leaping tall buildings in a single bound”

judge, jury and executioner (idiom) – means they are in charge of every decision made, and they have the power to be rid of whomever they choose

echo chamber (n) – a situation in which people only hear opinions of one type, or opinions that are similar to their own

lynch mob / lynching (n) – If a crowd of people lynch someone who they believe is guilty of a crime, they kill them without a legal trial, usually by hanging (= killing using a rope round the neck)

complicit (adj) – involved in or knowing about a crime or some activity that is wrong

lawlessness (n) – behaviour that is illegal or not controlled by laws

tights (n) [A2] – a piece of clothing made of very thin material that tightly covers the feet, legs, and lower part of the body below the waist, often worn under skirts and dresses

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