Year 2 Project, Semester 1 – Fall 2023

For each year there are two special projects, one per semester – for a total of 4 projects completed as the final examination each semester. This semester’s project will be regarding writing one persuasive speech over the course of one week, upon which each student will perform their speech in front of the class.

B2 – Thanksgiving and Polite Disagreements

This lesson we reviewed the origins of Thanksgiving, along with common associations with the holiday. We briefly discussed Black Friday, but primarily focused on how to recognize and participate in polite agreements and polite disagreements. This is particularly appropriate because the day is known also for it’s potential for conflict among family members.

Straightforward B2 Upper Intermediate Vocabulary, Lesson 8D

Original Post for this Lesson found here: Date taught: 17 November 2023 8D – Let’s Dance! Theme: Persuading people to change their lifestyle; going dancing. TikTok video blew up (ph.v) – for something to be enlarged or get larger, so if it is referring to something on social media it is likely referring to somethingContinue reading “Straightforward B2 Upper Intermediate Vocabulary, Lesson 8D”

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