Straightforward C1 Advanced Vocabulary, Lesson 3D

Date taught: 27 March 2024 3D – A Cautionary Tale Theme: Becoming wealthy, being wealthy, & losing all your wealth​. The island of Nauru: how it became rich and then lost all it’s wealth. a cautionary tale: speak of the devil (and the devil shall appear): clean slate: towrap your mind around (smth): a rag:Continue reading “Straightforward C1 Advanced Vocabulary, Lesson 3D”

Year 2 Project, Semester 1 – Fall 2023

For each year there are two special projects, one per semester – for a total of 4 projects completed as the final examination each semester. This semester’s project will be regarding writing one persuasive speech over the course of one week, upon which each student will perform their speech in front of the class.

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